We understand that the true measure of how we view our work starts with how we treat each other.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We strive to understand, value and incorporate the unique and wonderful differences each team member brings to our organization.

It’s important for us to attract people and build teams that reflect our global footprint. When our teams include people with different backgrounds, talents and ideas, we are more dynamic and successful. That’s why we value every team member as an important contributor to NAVEX.

  • Honor and appreciate the uniqueness of each person
  • Treat others with respect – each of us has the right to expect a workplace in which the differences we bring are welcomed and valued
  • Listen, learn and be open to new ideas and points of view
  • Expect the same level of commitment to an inclusive workforce from our business partners
  • If you’re a manager, honor the additional responsibilities you have when concerns are reported to you

Fairness and Equal Opportunity

We believe that everyone should be treated with fairness, respect and dignity.

As an equal opportunity employer, we maintain an affirmative action program and uphold nondiscriminatory employment practices. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities.

  • Be mindful of your personal biases
  • Base employment decisions on qualifications, skills and achievements without regard to age, race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mental or physical ability, thinking style, veteran status, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law
  • Set the expectation with our business partners that they should act in a way that’s consistent with our sense of fair treatment and equal opportunity
  • If you are a hiring manager, complete required training related to hiring and developing people

Harassment-free Workplace

We do not tolerate any form of harassment, including sexual harassment and bullying.

Workplace harassment can take many forms and be experienced differently from one individual to another. Harassment of any type (physical, verbal, sexual or other) is strictly prohibited and could result in immediate separation from NAVEX.

  • Help create an inclusive and thriving work environment that is free of all forms of harassment
  • Remember that sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances or physical contact, requests for sexual favors and any other sexually offensive behavior
  • Maintain our high standards of professional conduct at all times, including when working with customers and business partners, during and after business hours, and in all business settings – inside and outside the office

What if ...

One of my coworkers sent a sexually explicit joke to our whole team that was uncomfortable for me. Should I say something?

Yes. It is important to report this to human resources or compliance. And if you feel comfortable, let your coworker know how you felt about their email, using this conversation as an opportunity to learn and grow together.

Safety and Physical Security

When working, always be alert to health and safety risks.

Be sure that your performance is not impaired by alcohol or drugs, including marijuana, prescription and over-the-counter medication. This applies to team members on company premises and in any other work circumstance that may jeopardize our people, operations or reputation.

Weapons are not permitted at any time while on any property owned, leased or controlled by NAVEX or anywhere you are conducting NAVEX business, such as customer locations, trade shows, restaurants and company events. Weapons include guns, knives, swords, explosives or any other object meant to harm someone.

Promptly report:

  • Any accident, injury or unsafe or unhealthy condition
  • Any threats, intimidation or acts of violence

Protection of Systems and Resources

We trust you to use company assets appropriately and protect them from loss, damage, theft, waste and improper use.

These resources – including our offices, property and equipment, team member time, and confidential and proprietary information – drive our success and our competitive advantage.

  • Protect company resources from loss or harm
  • Don’t use, borrow or loan company assets without permission
  • Be aware that our computer equipment, phones, email and internet access are for business purposes, but some limited personal use is acceptable
  • Keep computer equipment safe and secure at all times, and protect your user IDs and passwords

See US People Programs and Practices and UK People Programs and Practices and our Information Security Policy v.10 (navexone.com) for specific guidelines on appropriate use of our assets.

Privacy and Personal Data

Keep personal data safe and secure.

Always respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of personal data – both the personal data of coworkers and the personal data entrusted to us by our customers and business partners.

Due to their role, some team members may also have access to the confidential health information of others (including our own team members, as well as within reports that we take on behalf of our customers).

  • Make sure you know the kind of information considered personal data
  • Use care – collect, access, use and share personal data in accordance with applicable data privacy laws, regulations and our policies
  • Securely print, store and mark as confidential, any physical copies of materials that contain personal or health information – if you’re not sure if information is considered “personal data,” treat it as though it is
  • Only disclose personal data where there is a legitimate business need and it’s permitted by our policies
  • Limit access and the amount of information shared to only those who need the information to do their job
  • Use and retain personal data only for as long as necessary to accomplish the legitimate purpose for which it was collected
  • Follow our policies and procedures when transferring any personal data outside its country of origin
  • Immediately report any suspected breach of personal data, whether intentional or accidental, to your manager

Examples of personal data include an individual’s ...

  • Address, email or IP address
  • Phone number
  • Employee identification number
  • Pay or performance information
  • Credit card number
  • Banking or payroll information