Anti-Corruption, Gifts and Entertainment

We comply with anti-corruption laws and seek pre-approval before giving or receiving certain gifts.

A diverse group of friends gathered around a table, enjoying a meal together.


  • We prohibit bribery, kickbacks or improper benefits in connection with our business or any of our business transactions.
  • We require that all expenses and associated documentation be properly recorded and aligned with our policies and the law.


  • Never authorize, ask for, offer, give or accept money or anything of value, directly or indirectly, to improperly influence an act or decision.
  • Never direct or allow third parties who work on our behalf to do something we are not permitted to do ourselves.
  • Facilitation payments to a government official made in order to expedite or secure performance of non-discretionary, routine governmental actions are not permitted at Aptiv, regardless of the amount.
  • Be careful with gift-giving. Check with your supervisor or the Global Legal and Compliance Team if you are unsure about what is (and what is not) appropriate.
  • Make sure you follow the gifts and entertainment rules of any government official or commercial business partner.
  • Obtain any necessary approvals before giving or receiving any meal, gift or entertainment.
  • Do not offer anything to a government official (including a state-owned enterprise), no matter the monetary value, unless you have approval in advance.
  • Avoid any conduct that could suggest even the appearance of something improper.

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To determine if compliance pre-approval is required for a meal, gift or entertainment expense, ask yourself:

Who is the giving or receiving party?

A government official (including employees of a state-owned enterprise)

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A commercial business (including suppliers, customers, business partners, etc.)

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When in doubt, ask for help before proceeding.

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Before extending an invitation to your customer, given the cost of the seat, you must seek pre-approval from your supervisor and the Global Legal and Compliance Team. You should also make sure that accepting the invitation is permitted by your customer’s policies.

A diverse group of friends gathered around a table, enjoying a meal together.

Spotlight Icon SPOTLIGHT ON

To determine if compliance pre-approval is required for a meal, gift or entertainment expense, ask yourself:

Who is the giving or receiving party?

A government official (including employees of a state-owned enterprise)

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A commercial business (including suppliers, customers, business partners, etc.)

Find Out!

When in doubt, ask for help before proceeding.