Our Responsibilities

A man and woman engaged in conversation, sharing thoughts and ideas in a friendly setting.

We hold ourselves to high standards. Regardless of role or job location, every employee has a responsibility to:

  • Live Aptiv's Values
  • Know and follow our Code, our policies and the law
  • Complete all required training and ask questions about anything that is unclear
  • Speak up about anything suspected to be unethical or illegal
  • Fully cooperate with any investigations into misconduct
  • When you're not sure what the right choice is or if you have any questions, reach out to the Global Legal and Compliance Team and ask for help


  • Lead by example and demonstrate – in both words and actions – a commitment to our values and our Code.
  • Be open and available, creating the kind of work environment where employees feel comfortable coming forward with questions.
  • Enforce our Code and our policies and seek help from our Global Legal and Compliance Team regarding any provisions that are unclear.
  • Listen and take prompt action to address employee concerns and, when necessary, escalate reports of misconduct through appropriate channels.
  • Never retaliate – or allow retaliation by others – against anyone who raises a concern or participates in an investigation into misconduct.


Aptiv is committed to following the laws and regulations of all the countries and regions in which we operate. If any provision of our Code conflicts with a local law or requirement, seek guidance from your supervisor or a member of the Global Legal and Compliance Team.

Making the right decision is always important, but it is not always easy.

There may be times when you are unsure of the right course of action. When faced with those kinds of situations, it can help to consider a series of questions.

Ask yourself
Is it legal?
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Is it in line with our values, our Code and our policies?
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Is it good for Aptiv, our customers and other stakeholders we serve?
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Would I feel comfortable if my decision or my actions were made public?
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Would I feel comfortable if senior management and others at Aptiv knew about it?
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If the answer to all of these questions is “yes,” the decision to move forward is probably safe.
But if the answer to any question is “no” or “maybe,” stop and ask for help before proceeding.

When in doubt, ask for help before proceeding.