Win As One Team

Include. Connect. Collaborate.

Company Assets

We rely on a vast network of Company assets to help us run our business and build our future. Office supplies and furniture, equipment, computer hardware, and software – even our access to the internet, the FIS intranet, and business software programs – are all Company assets.

We use our Company assets appropriately and protect them from fraud, waste, and abuse. Our good stewardship of these assets today will keep them available for use tomorrow and beyond.

Protect our physical assets.

For us, being a good steward means using FIS assets to carry out FIS work, not for personal purposes. Use of FIS assets should never violate the law or our policies, and never interfere with our work.

Records of any communications may be made and used by the Company. You should have no expectation of privacy of electronic communications when using FIS systems unless specifically provided for by local law. Anything created on our systems is FIS property and, where permitted by law, we may monitor usage which will be carried out in line with applicable law and regulation.

Protect our electronic assets.

Hardware, software, and network access are vital to our operation. They are the tools that connect us to our clients, our third-party relationships, and each other. Safeguard them by practicing good cybersecurity:

  • Create strong passwords, and don’t share them with anyone inside or outside of FIS.
  • Use only software that’s been properly licensed. Don’t download any programs without approval.
  • Be alert to phishing attacks. Don’t open email attachments from unknown senders or click on suspicious links.
  • Don’t send FIS files to your personal email or use unauthorized flash drives or devices to transfer them.
  • Don’t let others, including colleagues or family members, use the assets assigned to you.
  • Lock your computer anytime you step away and log off at the end of your workday.
  • Immediately report a lost or stolen device or a suspected data incident to Corporate Security Team.
A man and woman focused on a tablet

Our Core Values In Action

Q: Sometimes at lunch, I visit websites that some people might consider obscene or inappropriate, but I never let this activity interfere with my work, and I would never forward a link or information about these websites to any of my colleagues. Is that OK?

A: No. It’s never OK (at lunch or at any other time) to use FIS computers or network systems to visit or view inappropriate content. FIS counts on every colleague to use our systems responsibly.

Additional Resources Available:

Acceptable Use Policy

Corporate Security Policy

A person multitasking on a laptop while using a smartphone to check data