Our records are critical to FIS. They provide evidence of how we are performing as a business, inform our decisions, and help us show compliance with policies and laws.
Whether we are colleagues or third parties, we all contribute to FIS records. It’s up to each of us to handle our records with care and make sure they accurately reflect the work we do.
To help ensure our records are reliable at all times:
If you help FIS provide information to the government or regulatory authorities:
Our records must be readily available when we need them. To do your part:
What are our records?
Records take many different forms, but they include:
Q: I pointed out an accounting irregularity to a colleague – payments being made to a supplier without corresponding invoices. My colleague offered to take care of it and told me to forget about it. Should I?
A: No, you shouldn’t. It’s possible you have uncovered activity that violates our policies and the law, and it’s important we know about it. Don’t feel pressured to ignore it. Speak up immediately.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (FABAC) Policy
Records Management Policy
Refer to your country Employee Handbook