Lead With Integrity

Build. Develop. Inspire.

Responsible Communications

Building the value of the FIS brand and preserving our reputation is the responsibility of every colleague and involves careful consideration when sharing information and communicating publicly about our Company.

Never speak for FIS.

We are proud of our Company and may discuss our business or share comments about FIS with others outside of work. However, we always remember to:

  • Allow designated representatives to speak for FIS.
  • Never falsely claim to represent FIS, either online, in writing, or in person.
  • Either send all media inquiries to Corporate Communications or receive prior authorization before discussing FIS business with media representatives.
  • Refer outside parties requesting information about current or former colleagues to the People Office. Colleagues should never provide employment references or employment verifications for any current or former colleague.
  • We do not provide references for third parties unless it is approved by Corporate Communications.
  • Refer any request from a party claiming to be an attorney, law enforcement official, or investigator to the Ethics Office, immediately.

Use care on social media.

We know social media posts can take on a life of their own and be seen by anyone. As individuals and as a business we strive to maintain a responsible social media presence. Do your part. If you comment about FIS on social media:

  • State that you are an FIS colleague, but that you are speaking in your own personal capacity.
  • Remember to protect all Company confidential information.
  • Comments made on social media should comply with FIS’ Social Media Policy.

Protect confidential information.

If your work gives you access to confidential or nonpublic information about FIS or any other Company, never share it with anyone outside of our Company. That includes personal information about our colleagues, clients, or third parties.

Additional Resources Available:

FIS Brand Policy

FIS Media and News Release Policy

Social Media Policy

Should I share it?

When in doubt, ask yourself ‒ could my communication:

Mislead clients or the public?, Overstate our capabilities?, Disclose confidential information?, Violate our policies or the law?

If you say “yes” or even pause at any question, stop and reconsider before communicating.

Our Core Values In Action

Q: A reporter called me looking for some basic information about our Company. May I answer their questions?

A: No. Even simple questions should be rerouted to Corporate Communications. We want to avoid any unintentional consequences, such as releasing information at the wrong time or disclosing something confidential. Forward your inquiry to be sure we are communicating responsibly.